Keep On Keepin’ On!

It sometimes seems as though life just takes you from one experience to another…and without waiting for you to catch up.

I just completed six-weeks of radiation treatments, five-days each week, on the 2nd. That’s a lot of riding and at today’s prices, a lot of more costly fuel. Oh well, what price health? The treatments were scheduled for early afternoon each day, each appointment went off without a hitch, and I was in and out very quickly each time. I can’t say enough nice things about the staff at Bayhealth in Milford.

The preparations, travel, and after effects consumed the better part of each day, and adjusting to this confining routine took some doing. The most detrimental side-effect for me was fatigue which really began to ramp-up during the second week. By the time I arrived back at home each day and had eaten my main meal, I had all I could do to get to my recliner. Even with an hour or two of rest, I found that I just didn’t have any energy and couldn’t focus on things that required any degree of concentration. I didn’t lapse into a “boob tube” malaise, however, I found I just wasn’t interested in very much of anything. But I knew I had to try to do a little something each day, and managed to complete one or two lamp projects. Paperwork of any kind suffered, I’m afraid.

Now, almost one week to the day from completing the series, I can honestly say that I feel like my old self. Hope I can stay that way for awhile. Getting back into the routine feels good and I’m looking forward to finishing each lamp and reconnecting them with their respective owners.

Thanks to everyone for your patience and understanding! Thanks too for your heartfelt support and prayers.


Caulk Friends

News of recent retirements of two people from L. D. Caulk (Dentsply/Caulk, Sirona/Dentsply), in Milford, with whom I had the privilege of working, Mark Silicato and Peggy Johnson, has brought back many memories.

During my time at Caulk, I witnessed a number of changes to the facility and to procedures as the company responded to major changes in the industry. I can only imagine what Mark and Peggy experienced during their 30+ years of service that bookended my tenure.

Looking back now, I can’t seem to recall any of the issues or problems that at the time might have clouded any of our days. I can only remember the smiles and goodwill as we worked together to get things done.


One of the events we always looked forward to was the annual company picnic, for a few years held on the lawn in front of Building 3, on Lakeview Avenue. Tents were put in place the day before and preparations would be in full swing very early on the appointed day. I vividly remember a “Barney Fife” impersonator at one such event.

I took some pictures during the picnic in 2002, and have always intended to share them. Well, I think it’s just about time. In addition, there are some photos from parties for two earlier retirees. To pay a tribute to Mark and Peggy, and in honor all of my old Caulk co-workers, I’ve created a photo gallery over at


Elderly Call Button 

Several years ago I returned to my family home to assist my mother with managing her home and business. As her health situation has gradually declined, I took over the business, and then the role of primary caregiver for this remarkable 99-year old lady. Over time, I realized that I needed to provide a better way for her to summon me when help was needed.


Meeting the daily needs of an elderly parent brings with it a lot of responsibility, and finding workable solutions for what should be simple issues can be challenging. Although we are separated by less than a hundred feet at any point in the house, my mother’s ability to communicate an immediate need was a big problem. Her vocal calls for assistance could not be heard over the normal household noises, and the use of her ever-present mobile phone was no longer a viable tool as her ability to manage technology continued to diminish.

So what to do? I checked the Internet repeatedly and found all sorts of mobile phone app solutions and expensive monthly monitoring services. Nope. We didn’t need to reach anyone outside of the home. In the daytime, when I’m absent, we have in-home services for Mother. Someone is always with her. All we needed was the ability for her to reach me between two floors and at opposite ends of the house. That’s all.

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Time to get back to work

They say that busy people get things done, and if that’s true I should not have any open dates in this blog sequence. But things have been happening and while they were, I’ve been accumulating a lot of stuff to share.

I’ve been going through boxes of family photos and documents, doing a little research at Delaware Public Archives, and brainstorming with family members and friends in the community who share a common interest in local history. Along the way, I’ve met a lot of people with whom I’ve shared my story and taken the time to listen to theirs. I hope that some of what appears here down the road may be of interest to you.

Finding old things in my surroundings and studying them in a historical context is a favorite past time and I’ve come to call it attic archaeology.

Family history is likewise important to me and I just had the opportunity to contribute a chapter to a recently published book on the Carey/Cary Family.

Having taken over my family’s picture framing business two years ago, I added a lamp repair service, and I have been very pleased with the response, in both cases.

Now, getting some of the results of these efforts into an interesting and presentable form has become my goal for the year ahead.

Be back soon…


Hi ho. Hi ho. It’s back to work I go!

Family dynamics possess their own set of demands, and with them come responsibilities you sometimes never think about having to fulfill. So it has been since my last post, last year.

Along with the life changes that Mother has experienced came the realization that the frame shop she loved so much was sitting idle, and I began going in to the store to maintain a presence. Not one to sit still for very long, I started

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Oscar My Pet Rabbit

Let me tell you a story about my pet rabbit “Oscar”.

Oscar 1Several years ago, while working for a major dental supply company, I needed to hire some part-time help, to assist with a backlog of filing and some other office tasks.

I had been given a rather large, unused room in the basement of one of the buildings to clean out and use as an office, for storage of the massive volume of the division’s maintenance and calibration records, and as a calibration shop for my use and for vendors.

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Give A Little History For Christmas

image-christmas-treeJust in case you have someone on your shopping list who’s hard to buy for, and just in case they happen to be interested in local history, and just in case you’re passing through town, I’ve found some things at the store that might fit under that someone’s Christmas tree.

There’s a little picker (rummager is more like it) in me, I guess, and I just couldn’t help looking behind and under things the other day…

And, hidden under a table, out of sight, were some boxes of books about life in and around Millsboro, by Aubrey Murray.

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