It’s been fifty years since the March Storm of ’62 left its permanent impression upon our peninsula, our psyche, and our photo albums. Here are a few shots that I managed to gather with my humble Kodak Brownie right after the storm. I only just found them this week while looking for something else.

Atwood Timmons took some shots of the water level at various stages of the storm, in Cubalo Park. I’ve tried to alter the effects of time on the now red-tinted Ecktachrome slides, with mixed results.

Hard to believe, but that sign blew in from Bob’s Diner which used to be where the gas station is now at US 113 and Delaware 20, and landed at the river’s edge, in Cubalo!

Although the water is receding, it is still high and you can see the extent of it by the debris line in the foreground.
Thank Heaven this March has been quiet!